cnaZone courses are commonly added from the "Course List" page of the platform. Customers who have used cnaZone to renew their CNA licenses in the past will likely choose to take the same courses they have taken in the previous CNA license renewal cycle. If the course they are trying to add has not yet expired, it will show up with an "On Account" button, instead of "Add to Account". Refer to the image below:

When this happens, the customer will need to be guided on how to "re-take" the course. Also, it is best to clarify with the customer that credit will still be added even if a course is retaken, as long as the last time the course was completed was during the last CNA license renewal cycle.

To add and take courses:

1. Click on "Course List". You will be routed to a page where you can see all offered courses.
2. Look for the course that you want/need to take, and click on "Add to Account".
3. Click on "My Account" You will be routed to the page where you will see your added courses.
4. Click on "COURSES READY TO COMPLETE - Click to Expand". You will see the course here with the option to take it.

To retake courses (these courses will still show up under "Course List", but cannot be added and will show "ON ACCOUNT", because it is already on your account):

1. Click on "My Account" You will be routed to the page where you will see your added courses.
2. Click on "COMPLETED COURSES - Click to Expand".
3. Look for the course that you want/need to retake, and click on "Reset this test so I can take it again".
4. The course will automatically be transferred under "COURSES READY TO COMPLETE - Click to Expand".
5. Click on "COURSES READY TO COMPLETE - Click to Expand". You will see the course here with the option to take it.

If the course/s you want/need to retake has already expired and has a new version (it will still show up under "COMPLETED COURSES", but cannot be reset to take again, you will need to add and take the newer version). To add and take the newer version:

1. Click on "Course List". You will be routed to a page where you can see all offered courses.
2. Look for the course equivalent of the expired course (usually it has the same title or almost the same), and click on "Add to Account".
3. Click on "My Account" You will be routed to the page where you will see your added courses.
4. Click on "COURSES READY TO COMPLETE - Click to Expand". You will see the course here with the option to take it. 

SAMPLE TICKET/S: 41141, 39689