Sometimes, customers accidentally create multiple subscriptions even when they already have an active one. This situation often arises when a customer purchases an unlimited package instead of allowing their current unlimited package to expire and automatically renew.
Having multiple subscriptions for a single user can lead to what seems like a double charge or, at the very least, an additional attempt to charge the customer again, even after they have purchased an unlimited package. This occurs because the previous subscription is still active, and once the renewal date arrives, the auto-renewal feature is triggered.
To resolve this issue:
- Check the customer's account in LBPAdmin > cnaZone > Unlimiteds. Only one unlimited package should be active. Remove any excess unlimited package, if there is.
- Review the customer's transaction status in Stripe > cnaZone. Under Customers, verify if there is more than one subscription.
- 3. If multiple subscriptions exist, cancel the later subscription/s.
- 4. Refund any excess charges incurred.