Problem Email Example
"Hello. Not sure why my message and or test results not being submitted. My bday is 9/11/1969 and my current registration number is 09217444 according to the elicense dashboard on page. Can you please assist me regarding this matter? Thank you. Where am I missing an NABP number?"

Solution: Explain that we support CeBroker and CPEmonitor, what an e-profile ID is, how to change and verify CPEMonitor information, and how to resubmit tests to CPEMonitor.

Example Reply Email: 

Hello [Customer Name],

Firstly, a few clarifications. We report to CPEMonitor and CEbroker. If you want to report to anything else you'll need to do that manually through whatever method you are used to doing. Reporting via CPEMonitor requires a specific profile number called a NAB-P e-profile ID (which is different from your license number.) I mention this because it seems like the number you have in your account as your NAB-Profile ID is your license number.
So step 1 is to find your e-profile number. After you've done that, login and then go to My Info/Courses and click 'Manage Account'. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you'll see a section that says 'To have your completed courses submitted to CPE Reporting, please enter your NAB Profile ID and Birthday'. Find the NAB-P e-profile ID section and put the e-profile ID there. After doing that you'll see a blue box that says 'Will my courses get reported to CPE Monitor? Click here to check.' Click that to verify that everything works.
After that, do this to report your taken tests to CPEMonitor:
1. Go to My Info/Courses
2. Click the 'Completed Courses' tab.
 3. You'll see a section under each test that says 'Was this course reported to CPE Monitor?' Click the 'click to check' button and that will re-submit the test to CPEMonitor for you. If it says "This test was successfully reported" you're good to go!

Please let me know if you have any more questions,

[Your name]